A Rohingya Muslim woman is seen crying on an intercepted boat trying to flee a deadly hate campaign in Myanmar. (File photo)
Mon Jan 20, 2014
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A political analyst says the mutilation of Muslim women and children by a knife-wielding Buddhist mob in Myanmar is alarming the world and without intervention such behaviour will result in the extermination of Rohingyas.
“Rohingya Muslims are living in times of terror and ultimate troubles and if no swift and concrete steps are taken on the part of the Muslims and the Muslim leaders soon, there is serious concern they may all be exterminated or repelled form the land in the long run,” Dr. Ismail Salami wrote in a Sunday article on the Press TV website.
Alluding to the crimes committed by Buddhist mobs and the government’s support for such atrocities, Salami noted, “They are mutilating Muslim women and children in Myanmar and before it is too late, the Muslim community should join hands and cut off the hands of tyranny.”
The analyst elaborated on different definitions and concept of genocide, including the UN accounts, said, “It is quite clear that what is happening in Myanmar to the Rohingya Muslims is nothing but genocide and to call it by any other names is like veneering a crime to all intents and purposes.”
Salami also expressed regret over the global community’s failure to make “any conceivable endeavors” to prevent the years-long genocide that has been taking place in Myanmar.
On January 14, a Buddhist mob has rampaged through a village in the western state of Rakhine in Myanmar, stabbing to death women and children from the Rohingya Muslim community. The death toll could range between 10 and 60.
Tensions have mounted in the region since last month, when monks from a Buddhist extremist movement gave sermons in the area by loudspeaker, advocating the removal of all Rohingya Muslims, who comprise 90 percent of the population in Rakhine.
Myanmar’s government refuses to recognize Rohingya Muslims as citizens and labels them as “illegal” immigrants.
Rohingya Muslims have been denied citizenship since a new citizenship law was enacted in 1982.
Violence originally targeted Rohingya Muslims in western Myanmar, and then spread to other parts of the country, where Muslims who have been granted citizenship are also being attacked.
The Myanmar government has so far refused to release the stateless Rohingyas from their citizenship limbo, despite international pressure to give them a legal status.
Hundreds of Rohingyas are believed to have been killed and thousands displaced in attacks by Buddhist extremists.
The extremists frequently attack Rohingyas and set fire to their homes in several villages in the western state of Rakhine.
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Jan 21, 2014
This is outrageous! The delibarate killing of these people for no reason other than their faith. The world talks and talks......but these poor people, who will voice their concerns? I’m disgusted to be part of the human race, if this is the level humans have stooped down to.
What is happening to the Rohingyas is what happens defenseless unarmed peoples all over the world. This is us Mr. and Mrs. America after the Zionist Jews have finished disarming us, so take a good look.When is the world going to do something about the Genociding of these Defenseless people? Who will stand up for them? Iran has sent in shiploads of food and support for them but nobody else will lift a finger. Where is humanity?
Jan 21, 2014
This is outrageous! The delibarate killing of these people for no reason other than their faith. The world talks and talks......but these poor people, who will voice their concerns? I’m disgusted to be part of the human race, if this is the level humans have stooped down to.
Seth Blathstein USA
Jan 20, 2014
Seth Blathstein USA
Jan 20, 2014
What is happening to the Rohingyas is what happens defenseless unarmed peoples all over the world. This is us Mr. and Mrs. America after the Zionist Jews have finished disarming us, so take a good look.When is the world going to do something about the Genociding of these Defenseless people? Who will stand up for them? Iran has sent in shiploads of food and support for them but nobody else will lift a finger. Where is humanity?
Jan 20, 2014
Jan 20, 2014
May Allah swt help these defencless people whom the whole world watches them dying and being masacred by these terrorists. An evacuation plan is needed for these people. The life of these innocent people has a greater value than the costs of evacuating them.
Also this image below is circulating on the web claimed to be Rohingya Muslim children persecuted in Myanmar by radical Buddhist mobs... RIP.. :(